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Ned was my beautiful boy who died 15th Dec 2016. He was diagnosed with heart diseased 3 years ago and was on a lot of medication. He was doing well although got out of breathe often and collapsed when under stress but it was less frequent and the medication was working. He started losing his hair and we thought through stress as he was accompanied out in the garden and could not venture out on his own in the front where he wanted to be. He attacked me a few years ago because I was between him and a squirrel! He has a wild streak for sure. He was half persion and tabby. I remember meeting his father who happily bite my hand when I said hello! He was unwanted and they were going to put him down. There child jumped on his head causing him brain problems hence we named him nervous Ned. But he was beautiful so beautiful and he was my baby boy. He had his vets visit and the he may had had flees hence the biting of his fur and gave him drops on his neck she also got us to spray the house. It was ok and he seemed fine. The Vet said he was doing well and was much the same as the year before. That was in November. He ate and happily went outside sitting on his favourite chair in the sun with me. We were inseperable. He would follow me everywhere even to the toilet and his tail would suddenly appear between my legs!! He raced me around the house and where I was so was he. He loved our food and loved sauces. He was a dog cat and had different ways to cry and we knew what he wanted. His fav words were brushes fishes kisses and often he would give me a kiss straight on the lips when I said kisses. He took a lot of my time. We were restricted on leaving him through having his medication 3 times a day. But I didn't mind he was my baby. I was feeling stressed and remember looking at him thinking 'don't you die before Christmas' I couldn't cope with that. But that's what happened. I also had a dream that I too was going had a bald patch on my head.  That day he had a tiny bit of our steak I was worried it had mustard on it so sucked most off. He ate it and came in licking his paw. He then came over to where I was sitting. Unusual as he was at that time sitting on the top of the other chair by the window with his paw dangling over the warm radiator. But he looked at me and I said come on then. He jumped up and wouldn't move noticing that the remote control was in his way I picked it up and moved it and said oh that's whats wrong. I stroked him gently not too much or he would get put off sitting there. As he turned around he stretched up high head going to the side and screeched and collapsed. I had no idea what had happened. I sat screaming pumped his chest but he sat motionless his beautiful golden eyes staring. I couldn't believe it. I thought I had killed him with the steak or the remote had scared him. I still blame myself. I really don't know why it happened then. He was put in the back kitchen for the night and was buried in the front garden watching the birds where he always wanted to be. I visit him daily and have a chat. I miss him so much. I kiss what I have of him and stroke the cushion he died on. I heard his cry many times. Dreamed of him being here. Heard him scratching the chair as he always did. But when I get up he's not there. It has been 6 weeks now and I cry every day. I miss him so much. But one day we will meet again I am sure. He loved his mummy and she loved her baby boy. See you soon my beautiful Ned.
Ned 10th April 1997 - 15th Dec 2016
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